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Kaj Siab Project

The Kajsiab (Peaceful Heart) Project seeks to enhance the quality of life for Hmong elders by increasing physical and mental health awareness, decreasing social isolation, and healing historical and lifelong trauma through culturally and linguistically appropriate programming.


Kajsiab gatherings are held

bi-weekly on Thursdays from

10am-1pm. Each 3-hour session can include an exercise segment, a healthy lunch, health- related presentations, and unstructured social time.


Through support groups, advocacy, and trust-building activities, participants learn methods of self-care and to celebrate their identities as strong Hmong elders. All services are provided by bilingual and bicultural staff who are


As participants heal, they can better support other members of the Hmong community and contribute to positive transformation .


Additional activities, such as basic health screenings, craft instruction, and important topic discussions are offered regularly through community partners. Education includes identification of health-enhancing elements of Hmong traditions and encouragement to maintain those practices.


Elders also have opportunities to participate in field trips to museums, gardens, and markets to help create new memories and build supportive relationships with their peers.

Kaj Siab/Elderly Project: 
Phone Number: 715-832-8420

We Need Your Support Today!


Empowering people, advancing cultures, and enhancing the quality of life for Chippewa Valley communities by promoting relationships of trust, safety, and a sense of belonging.

Address: 1320 W. Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701

Phone: 715-832-8420

24 Hour: 715-492-5216


Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 5 PM

Friday 11 AM - 5 PM (by appointment only)

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1320 West Clairemont, WI 54701  |  715.832.8420  | EST. 1982  |

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